Ken Kennedy Institute Computational Science and Engineering Graduate Recruiting Fellowship, 2024
School of Engineering and Computing Graduate Fellowship, 2024
Past Members (Postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students)
Dinler Antunes
One of the 35 researchers selected for the Immuno-Oncology Young Investigators’ Forum (IOYIF), Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), 2020
Awarded by the Future Faculty Fellows Program of the Rice University’s School of Engineering, 2019
Fellowship from the Computational Cancer Biology Training Program (CCBTP), funded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT, grant number RP170593), 2019
Member of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), 2019
Poster award, 22nd Sealy Center Structural Biology Symposium, 2017
Best poster award in the Development of Novel Therapies Through Fragment Based Drug Discovery, 2016
Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Brazilian Scientific Mobility Program (Ciências sem Fronteiras, CNPq), 2014
Best poster award in Biomedicine and Immunoinformatics, International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), 2012
Rahul Shome
Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2020
Paper invited to a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 2020
Paper invited to a special issue of Autonomous Robots 2019
Nominated for the Best Paper in Automation award at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019
Best Paper award at IEEE International Symposium on Multi-robot and Multi-agent Systems 2017
Zachary Kingston
NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship (NSTRF), 2017.
Nominated for the Best Paper in Cognitive Robotics award at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2022)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2019)
Hellenic Professional Society of Texas Scholarship (2018)
Rice University Doctoral Fellowship (2017)
Sarah Hall-Swan
National Library of Medicine Predoctoral Training Fellowship, 2020
Sue H. And Harold R. Galloway Graduate Student Fellowship/Award. Rice University, 2018
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award for PhD-granting institutions Runner Up, 2018
The Benjamin G. Brown Scholarship. Tufts University, 2018
Ellie Herring
2020 Pollard Graduate Fellowship in Engineering
2020 Distinction in Undergraduate Research
2019 Fayez Sarofim International Scholarship for Innovation Winner
2018 Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics Robot Guru Scholarship Winner
2017 Bybee Scholarship Award for Innovation
Willy Revolution Award winner for 2020 Engineering Design Showcase
Excellence in Engineering award for 2018 Engineering Design Showcase
Excellence in Freshman Engineering award for 2017 Engineering Design Showcase
Rice University Distinguished Trustee Scholarship winner
Jayvee Abella
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2015
National Library of Medicine Predoctoral Fellowship, 2016-2017
Nicole Mitchell
Adobe Research Women in Technology Scholarship, 2019.
Rice Computer Science Graduate Research Fellowship. Rice University, 2019.
Juan David Hernandez Vega
Outstanding Cum Laude Distinction in PhD Thesis. University of Girona, 2017.
PhD Scholarship Program awarded by Colciencias (Colombian Science and Technology Department), 2013-2017.
Honor Distinction for Excellence in Graduation Work. Universidad Javeriana Cali, 2009.
Honor Distinction for Academic Excellence, Universidad Javeriana Cali, 2009.
Sarah Kim
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013
Goldwater Scholar, 2011
Harrison Undergraduate Research Award, UVa, 2011
Mert Akinc
Brown Undergraduate Research Internship Award, 2002
President’s Honor Roll, 2000, 2001
National Merit Scholar
Elliot Anshelevish
NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1999
Cornell University Fellowship, 1999
Kostas Bekris
Paper invited to a special issue of the ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal (MONET), 2008.
Best Student Paper award at the First International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination (ROBOCOMM), 2007.
First place at the poster competition of the Corporate Affiliates Meeting, Rice Univ. 2007
Nettie S. Autrey Graduate Fellowship, associated with an award of $12000, 2006.
First place at the poster competition of the Corporate Affiliates Meeting (joint work with Konstantinos Tsianos), Rice Univ. 2006.
Paper invited to the collection Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera, 2006.
Paper invited to ACM Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2005.
Honorable mention at the poster competition of the Corporate Affiliates Meeting, Rice Uni. 2005.
Recipient of the “George R. Brown Fellowship” by Rice University, 2004.
Paper invited to Eleventh International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR) , 2003.
Hellenic Professional Society of Texas Scholarship, 2002.
Paper invited to the Special Issue “Intelligent Sensing, Image Processing and Applications” of the Journal “Image Processing and Communications”, 2001.
Rice University Doctoral Fellowship, 2001.
University of Crete, Computer Science Department, Best Student Award 2001.
Greek Institute of State Fellowships student award for 4 consecutive years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.
Drew Bryant
Schlumberger Graduate Fellowship, 2011
Best Poster Award, 3DSIG (ISMB satellite conference), 2010
Andrew Ladd Memorial Fellowship, 2009
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2008
John and Ellen Tietze Fellowship, 2008
Janessa Shapiro Award, 2007
James S. Waters Creativity Award, 2007
First Place, Engineering Division, Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium Poster Contest, 2007
Outstanding Senior Design Project Award for ”Nanosorter: A High-Throughput Nanoshell Sorting Device”, 2007
Rice Bioengineering Outstanding Contributions to Research Award, 2007
Texas Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Award, 2006
W.M. Keck Center Undergraduate Research Training Program Fellowship, 2005.
Brown Undergraduate Research Internship Award, 2004
Paper invited to ACM Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2005.
Fellowship to pursue research at the Doctoral level from the Quebec government ( Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies ) , $20000(CAN) per year for three years (Fall 2002 – Summer 2005).
International Conference on AI Planning Systems (ICAPS 2004). Invited to give a half-day tutorial session on Robot Motion Planning.
Paper invited to International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2004.
NITC Bursary from McGill University and the Quebec Government. See related article.
Paper invited to Eleventh International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR) , 2003.
Rice University Doctoral Fellowship, 2000
Fellowship to pursue research at the Master’s level from the Quebec government ( Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies ), $15000(CAN) per year for two years (Fall 2000 – Summer 2002).
National Science and Engineering Research Counsel of Canada Summer Undergraduate Research Award, $5000(CAN) for the summer, received separately in Summer 1999 and in Summer 2000.
Presidential Fellowship, Rice University 2001-2004
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, 2001-2004
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society, 1998.
National Merit Scholar, 1995.
Amarda Shehu
Recipient of a training fellowship from the Keck Center Nanobiology Training Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia (NIH Grant No. 1 R90 DK071504-01), 2007.
Recipient of a training fellowship from the Keck Center Nanobiology Training Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia (NIH Grant No. 1 R90 DK071504-01), 2006.
NSF ADVANCE Workshop on Negotiating the Ideal Faculty Position, Rice University, 2006; Selected as one of 55 attendees from a group of over 730 applicants.
Recipient of a training fellowship from the Keck Center Nanobiology Training Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia (NIH Grant No. 1 R90 DK071504-01), 2005.
Invited Talk to the 10th Structural Biology Symposium at UTMB, Galveston, TX, May, 2005.
First place at the poster competition of the Corporate Affiliates Meeting (joint work with Jessica Wu), Rice Univ. 2005.
Winner of poster competition at the Corporate Affiliates Meeting, Rice Univ. 2003.
Rice University Doctoral Fellowship, 2002.
Best poster in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), 2002.
Presidential Scholarship, Clarkson University 2000-2002.
Honors Scholarship in recognition of academic excellence, Clarkson University, 2002.
Phi-Mu-Epsilon Fellowship Award to the Best student in Computer Science and Mathematics, Clarkson University 2001.
Recipient of the University Recognition Day award, the Hamlin/Darraugh award, in Mathematics and Computer Science, Clarkson University, 2001.
International Student Excellence Award, Clarkson University 2001.
Honorable mention at the International Competition of Mathematics, Turkey 1997.
Hernan Stamati
Recipient of a training fellowship from the Keck Center Pharmacoinformatics Training Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia (NIH Grant No.5 T90 DK070109-02), Rice University, 2006.
Third place at the poster competition of the Corporate Affiliates Meeting, Rice Univ. 2006.
Recipient of the “George R. Brown Fellowship” for highest GPA in Computer Science (2005).
Rice University Doctoral Fellowship, 2004.
ITBA Diploma and Medal of Honor - best in class award (2001).
R&D prize for “Speech Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms” (2001).